Scottish Partnership for Regeneration in Urban Centres

Scottish Partnership for Regeneration in Urban Centres

The Scottish Partnership for Regeneration in Urban Centres (SPRUCE), is an innovative source of finance for projects aligned to key Scottish Government policies.
As the Scottish Government’s fund manager Amber has utilised SPRUCE capital to deliver successful investments in regeneration, property and sustainable energy projects.

The Fund was originally set up using the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the European Commission’s JESSICA initiative (Joint European Support for Sustainable Investment in City Areas) and is based on the premise that sustainable urban development is a key factor in the long term social, economic and environmental success of our cities. This investment approach delivers improved longer term outcomes through creating value in the built environment and the communities the fund serves.
SPRUCE committed all of its initial capital by the end of its original investment period to the end of December 2015. SPRUCE then recycled its original capital as well as investing additional public and private sector funds into eligible projects until the investment period closed in November 2021. During the fund period SPRUCE supported 18 projects across Scotland.
Amber Fund Management Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority to act as the Manager of SPRUCE and to promote the Fund in the United Kingdom.
Case studies
OtherUrban Development
1 New Park Square, South Gyle
Edinburgh, ScotlandOperational -
OtherUrban Development
110 Queen Street
Glasgow, ScotlandOperational -
OtherUrban Development
55 Douglas Street
Glasgow, ScotlandOperational -
OtherUrban Development
6 Atlantic Quay
Glasgow, ScotlandOperational -
OtherUrban Development
Argyle Street
Glasgow, ScotlandOperational -
OtherUrban Development
Bankhead Avenue
Edinburgh, ScotlandUnder construction -
OtherUrban Development
Clyde Gateway East Business Park
Glasgow, ScotlandOperational -
Cube Housing Association
Glasgow, ScotlandOperational -
OtherUrban Development
Dalmore House
Glasgow, ScotlandOperational -
OtherUrban Development
Dundyvan Industrial Estate
North Lanarkshire, ScotlandOperational -
OtherUrban Development
Greenside Blenheim House
Edinburgh, ScotlandOperational -
Guardbridge Energy Centre
Fife, ScotlandOperational -
OtherUrban Development
Houstoun Industrial Estate
West Lothian, ScotlandOperational -
OtherUrban Development
McLellan Works
Glasgow, ScotlandOperational -
OtherUrban Development
New Exchange (Cadworks)
Glasgow, ScotlandOperational -
OtherUrban Development
St Vincent’s Plaza
Glasgow, ScotlandOperational -
OtherUrban Development
Strathclyde Business Park
North Lanarkshire, ScotlandOperational -
OtherUrban Development
The Haymarket
Edinburgh, ScotlandOperational
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London Energy Efficiency Fund
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